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Tech. Name: Metalaxyl 8%+Mancozeb 64% W.P.
this is belongs to group D Phenylamide – Acylamine fungicide. It disrupts nucleic acids synthesis. It's a Speciality fungicide to control foliar as well as soil borne diseases caused by oomycetes fungus.
Crops: Grapes, Potato, Pearl Millet, BlackPepper, Tobbaco
Dosage/Hectare: 2500-5000gm
- Active ingredients: Contains a systemic fungicide (metalaxyl) and a contact fungicide (mancozeb)
- How it works: Metalaxyl disrupts nucleic acid synthesis, while mancozeb affects the nervous system
- Benefits: Protects plants from diseases for up to 14 days
- Compatibility: Compatible with most pesticides, but not lime sulfur, Bordeaux mixture, or alkaline solutions
- Application: Apply by diluting the fungicide in water and spraying it on the foliage
- Safety: Use personal protective equipment (PPE) when handling and applying
- Target crops: Suitable for a wide range of crops, including black pepper, grapes, mustard, pearl millet, potato, and tobacco
- Target diseases: Controls diseases such as downy mildew, late blight, phytophthora foot rot, damping off, leaf blight, and black shank
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