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Tech. Name: 2, 4-D Amine Salt 58% SL
It is a selective & systemic herbicide effective against broad leaf weeds in sorghum, maize, wheat, aquatic weeds, Potato, Sugarcane & non cropped areas and it is rapidly absorbed by roots.
Crops: Maize, Wheat, Sorghum, Potato, Sugarcane, Aquatic Weeds, Non crop area
Dosage/Hectare: Maize- 0.86 Ltr, Wheat - 0.85 to 1.30 Ltr, Sorghum- 3 Ltr, Potato- 3.5 Ltr Sugarcane-6.3 Ltr, Aquatic Weeds-0.75 to 1.70 Ltr, Non crop area- 4.5 Ltr
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