Tech. Name: Ethephon 39% SL
Agripon is an plant growth regulator and an effective hormone spray for achieving ripening, fruits size and better yield.
- Benefits: Improves fruit coloration, accelerates uniform ripening, increases fruit size and yield, enhances leaf abscission, and improves post-harvest shelf life of fruits and vegetables
- Uses: Can be used for defoliation in pomegranate, breaking alternate bearing in mango, and inducing profuse flowering
- Major crops: Mango, pineapple, coffee, tomato, rubber, and pomegranate
- Dose: 150 ml per acre
- Presentation: Available in 1 Ltr, 500 ml, 250 ml, and 100 ml
- Compatibility: May be compatible with certain fertilizers and pesticides, but it's crucial to conduct a compatibility test before mixing
Crops: Mango, Pineapple, Coffee, Tomato, Cucumber, Rubber
Dosage/Hectare: Mango (Flower induction in juvenile mango)308-410 ml/acre, 600-800 lit water , 5 ml in 10 lit water, Breaking alternate bearing : 1538-2051 ml/acre, 600-800 lit water, 26 ml in 10 lit water. Post-harvest treatment : 770-1025 ml/acre 600-800 L Water , 13 ml in 10 lit water. Pineapple: ower induction 154-205 ml /acre 600-800 L water (2.5 ml in 10 lit water), Coffee (Arabica) : Uniform ripening of berries : 295-394 ml/acre 600-800 water 5 ml in 10 lit water, Coffee (Robusta) Uniform ripening of berries : 86-114 ml/acre 600-800 LWater 2.5 ml in 10 lit water, Tomato : Post-harvest treatment 65 ml in 10 lit water, Cucumber: 64 ml- 128 ml/acre, at 5 leaf stage of cucumber, 200-400 L water, dissolve 65 ml formulation in 10 L water, Rubber: March,August , September & November, four times bark swabing,Dissolve 26 ml formulation in 10 Lof water
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