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छवि: निक फेविंग्स

copy of METRISAN




Tech. Name: Bispyribic Sodium 10% SC

It is a selective, systemic and post emergence herbicide it is effective against grasses, sedges and broad-leaf weeds of rice crop and absorbed by foliage and roots.

  • Application: Spray the herbicide onto the rice field, removing water before spraying. Use a flat fan or flood jet nozzle for a uniform spray. Refill the field with water within 2–3 days of application. Maintain standing water of 3–4 cm for at least 10 days. 
  • Safety: Bispyribac sodium 10% SC is moderately toxic. 
  • Compatibility: Check the product label for compatibility with other products and follow the mixing instructions. 


Crops: Rice


Dosage/Hectare: Rice Nursery-200 ML, Rice Transplanted-200 to 250 ML Rice Direct Seeded- 200 to 250 ML


Downlode the app to buy this prodect : Download here

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